10 Massei

Means, “Stages”

HafTorah: Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4 (A); Jeremiah 2:4-28; 4:1-2 (S)

Brit Hadashah: James 4:1-12

Outline of the Parsha:

Numbers 33:1-49                                -Review of the Journey from Egypt to Jordan

Numbers 33:50-56                              -Laws for possessing the Land

Numbers 34:1-49                                -Instructions for Dividing Canaan

Numbers 35:1-5                                  -Cities for the Levities

Numbers 35:6-34                                -The Cities of Refuge

Numbers 36:1-13                                -Inheritance by Marriage

It covers the following:

The Vow’s Power.

Ananias and Sapphira.

A Man’s Vow.

A Woman’s Vow.

Why was the war with Midian, but not Moab?

The Return of Balaam.

Led by the Spirit.

The Land.

Yeshua and the Land.

Your Citizenship.

Your Covenant.

The Cities of Refuge.

The Cohen Gadol.

The Blood Avenger.

Yeshua as the Blood Avenger.

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