Thursday, 15 September 2016 20:08

The Parsha “Korah”

Every week I send out a weekly newsletter called “The Scribe’s Journal“. I am sending the summary statement that starts at the beginning of each Parsha as a sample of the Newsletter. If you want it, Subscribe.

Summary Statement
As we studied the last two parshas, a pattern was being developed and a thread runs through it.
Consider this: In Behaaloscha, it ended with Miriam committing Lashon Hara. That is speech that results in tearing down another person’s character. For that act, she was punished.
The next parsha, Shelach Lecha, was the story of the ten “spies/scouts”. They committed Lashon Hara against God’s land. They were destroyed by a plague, and the entire generation who believed their report were going to die in the desert.

At the end of the parsha the command was given of the wearing of the tzitzis.
The tzitzis has, as its longest thread, the blue thread known as the “SHAESH” [Servant]. This thread was used for the makings of the Tabernacle, setting it apart for special use. It was also included on the clothing of the High Priest. Now this blue thread was given to the entire congregation, setting them apart. This is the backdrop for this parsha, and the growth of Lashon Hara.

The growth of Lashon Hara started with Miriam, went to the ten “spies/scouts”, and will, in this parsha – Korah, go to 250 men who will die, and the next day, JUMP to 15,000 people dying. This is the danger of Lashon Hara.
You could call this the “Trilogy of the Wilderness Testing.” The outcome was either dying in the desert or moving forward with God towards their destiny.
Each of these tests is prophetic of the tests that all believers will experience as part of their time with walking with God. It is called “The Reign of the Flesh vs the Reign of the Spirit”.