Friday, 12 January 2018 17:06

The Book is Done!

Nightmare of Atheism On Tuesday of this week I presented the book to the publishers. This book, "The Atheist’s Nightmare", has been in writing for over a year. It is now being set up for editing. (I bet you didn’t think it would happen.) Before this book was sent to the publishers, I had it reviewed by a man named Mark Goldstein. He is the president of the Christian Chamber of Commerce in Orlando. He…
Friday, 30 June 2017 00:44

Are you the Devil's Monkey?

The Parashat "Korach" is one of the best examples of what can happen when a leadership that God placed in charge is attacked. What people do not understand is that it is not the man that being attacked, but God's authority. It was my honor to teach on this Parashat on Saturday, June 24, 2017. It was recorded and placed on You Tube. Here is that teaching. If you want, watch it. It is 49…
On Thursday, June 1, 2017, I had my first speaking "gig" as Torahlife Ministries. I have spoken in churches and Messianic synagogues many times in my life, but this speaking engagement was the most exciting. It was the DOD (Department of Defense) Team Orlando Prayer Breakfast. God truly prepared me for that time. To truly understand what happened, I am going, to the best of my ability, break the time frame down into three sections:…
Friday, 19 May 2017 19:36

Speaking at DOD Prayer Breakfast

On Thursday, June 1. 2017, I will be speaking at the Team Orlando Prayer Breakfast in Orlando at 7:00am. It is my first speaking gig through Torahlife Ministries. From what I have been told, there could be between 20-40 people present. If you want to check the prayer breakfast on line, here is the URL: Guests are invited to attend, but they will be required to sign in. Cameras are allowed, but only in…
Tuesday, 29 November 2016 18:09

We Need Your Help

Every Year on Giving Tuesday, we always ask for your support and we will need it again this year. As servants of the LORD and with burdened hearts for the lost sheep, we are reaching out to all of YOU in a way we have never done before. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for inmates in prisons in the United States. Currently we are reaching 315 inmates in 38 prisons spread across 7 states.…
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