Friday, 30 September 2016 20:32

Our Website Continues to Grow and Bless

God is Moving in this Ministry!  Traffic on our website is experiencing phenomonal year over year growth. This growth is driven primarily by an aggressive Google AdWords campain implemented in February 2017. Not only are we experiencing excellent growth in the number of individuals who are finding the website, but also many are subscribing to the the "Scribes Journal " and in some cases, some have made financial contributions to the Torah Life Ministry.  Our TorahLife…
Thursday, 15 September 2016 20:11

A Case for Ordination

On September 10, 2016, God allowed me to fulfill a dream that I have had for over 25 years. I was ordained as a Bible Teacher and Messianic Minister. This process can force some questions: Why do I want it? Is it because I want a title? Is it because it will increase my ego? Is it because people will look at me as being highly spiritual? The answer is a loud NO to these…
Thursday, 15 September 2016 20:10

Ninth Of Av

I very seldom put up an entire teaching, but tonight and tomorrow we observe the fast of the Ninth of Av. For that reason, I want to share the entire teaching that has been sent out. I hope you enjoy it How did it Begin? It is written in Zechariah 7:5. “Speak unto  all the people of the land, and to the priests, saying, When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth (9th of Av)…
Thursday, 15 September 2016 20:08

The Parsha “Korah”

Every week I send out a weekly newsletter called “The Scribe’s Journal“. I am sending the summary statement that starts at the beginning of each Parsha as a sample of the Newsletter. If you want it, Subscribe. Summary Statement As we studied the last two parshas, a pattern was being developed and a thread runs through it. Consider this: In Behaaloscha, it ended with Miriam committing Lashon Hara. That is speech that results in tearing…
What is the Tamid Sacrifice?Does it have Value?How does it relate to Yeshua and Jewish prayer? It is written in John 1:29 “behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world“. What unique lamb sacrifice was he talking about? Most people would say it was the Passover Lamb and use I Corinthians 5:7 as their proof text. This would create a problem. Why? The Passover lamb was never designed for sin.…
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